Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The conclusion.

              (As seen on Facebook)

I have been grieving some things as I write "on religion" blogposts, and working out how things I've observed and experienced in the evangelical church have been as dysfunctional as an addicted family. I've seen good things happen as a result of better writers than I (and I believe God sovereignly at work) speaking to terrible situations in the church. I'm seeing good things happen where people are waking up to the grip of man-made religion and cult-like mentalities in groups with whom I grew up affiliated or connected.  I'm seeing people freed from the grip of spiritual abuse speaking out in love as my Savior did, and it is beautiful.  I'm even seeing pockets of real repentance and humility as people see their own sins and turn towards a humbler way.

 I am grateful for the internet and the resources that are now available to hurting people. I've been one. I'm being healed but the battle is still intense. I've been personally attacked for calling a spade a spade and trying to honestly observe attitudes and excuses remaining in evangelicalism that disturb me. I have tried to discuss individual attitudes and behaviors without attacking personally, but at times I've been misunderstood.  I no longer care if I am understood so much as that people are healed.  I want to find a healthy way to speak health to situations I am privy to without causing greater harm than good. I've seen too much bullying and perfectionistic and even nationalistic "rightness" over relationship as a real problem in many evangelical circles.  I don't want to be part of that. 

I no longer consider myself "evangelical" though my theology probably is.

 All I want to be known as is a "little Christ", that is, a Christian.  True religion is caring for those in distress. Nothing fancy, nothing more, and nothing less. 

With all this in mind, I am thinking of starting a new blog focused on truth that builds rather than on calling out the deceit that clearly destroys. I think the more we know the Truth, the clearer the lies reveal themselves as twistedness.  I think there are plenty of good blogs dealing with the lies and corruption and I will continue to read and support them.  I may repost things I've said as they become relevant in the news. But I think I have said all I can say on the brand of religion I know most about. 

I hope people come out of the authoritarianism and dysfunction of the current state of things and value God's Word over the teachings of men, even the best of teachers. I pray that humility and our love begins to characterize those of us who consider themselves Christians. 

Peace to all. 

(Updated July 2017)

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(Quote by The Rep - http://www.facebook.com/therepmusic)

"Religion loves to correct what you said, Relationship just wants to know why you said it? One cares for the law; the other cares only for the heart!"

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