When leaders can't handle criticism, they show themselves to be immature and insecure leaders. Those who serve well are worthy of double honor; no one in leadership should be even remotely connected with slandering or beating up or bullying others, whether emotionally/spiritually or verbally/"internetly" or physically/sexually.
Christians are called to discern what is true, and bloggers who criticize constructively (based on God's truth found in Scripture) are a great resource to the church. We don't have to agree with each other entirely to be in this together. Freedom of speech cannot be limited by any form of Christianity, or it's just another cult.
Personal attacks with no basis in truth or objective observation are unChristian, ungodly, and uncalled for- whoever they come from.
Christians must live up to the name they bear, or they themselves may not be His, in which case they should never be followed. This is serious.
This is no joke:
http://www.fightingforthefaith.com/2009/12/perry-nobles-employees-assinate-the-character-of-a-critic.html Update: 4-16-2016: I have long been unable to recommend Fighting for the Faith due to apparent associations with un-repentantly arrogant men such as JD Hall of Reformation Montana and Fred Butler of Grace to You.
Bullying has to stop.
True pastors and churches can respond to bloggers and dissenters with respect and humility. This is why I and others must blog. Thank God for freedom of speech! And even for the media and the protection of the legal system, despite all those who would cover things up and have a hush hush attitude. This is not the attitude of Christ. Truth or even having an opinion is never about personally slandering any party.
"I just wonder how in the world some of these bullies/guys are getting into church leadership positions... Seem to be lots of itching ears out there these days."
-A concerned Christian who won't be censored and who believes without apology it's all about Jesus Christ/Messiah (Savior-Anointed One).
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(Quote by The Rep - http://www.facebook.com/therepmusic)
"Religion loves to correct what you said, Relationship just wants to know why you said it? One cares for the law; the other cares only for the heart!"
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