Yet below is apparently a detailed recipe for how to conduct an exorcism, ahem, "Spiritual Warfare Trial". My concern is how easy it would be to abuse people's minds, emotions, and thoughts by focussing on demons within rather than a counselee's need for Christ, who is "full of grace and truth". Someone suffering from post-natal depression or a profound loss, for example, would be VERY susceptible to spiritual abuse by such a trial, if conducted in the emotional direction this appears to head.
It is also true that cults use the tactic of breaking a person down to gain their loyalty, and this is the danger I would be concerned about with this model of "helping" a struggling individual. God doesn't need to know demons' names to remove their influence, and though there are demonic forces out there, Christians need to be reminded of who dwells in them- His love, power, and sound mind.
If someone is not saved, or is actively engaged with the occult, even so, our greatest need is always salvation by grace through faith- a gift of God that defeats the powers of hell. Exorcism just isn't part of the equation in dealing with precious souls, rather truth and love always are, and the Spirit can guide Christians in conversations without having to have a formula. In my opinion, what is said below could potentially cause a weak mind to go over the edge, and could cause unhealthy fear and accusation. It reminds me of the Salem Witch Trials, to be frank. I may be wrong, but this is here for your perusal- see
for context and full teachings. My concern is not so much whether this is what Christianity teaches, or even if it is sound doctrine or not; my concern is whether or not this can ever be used in a healthy way.
My deepest concern is that someone who is hurting might be offered a formula response to their hurt and become very confused about the truth of God's love as a result. If someone with a history of depression was told they have demons, or if a couple can have all their marital problems linked to the wife's so-called "sexual demons" as has actually happened(!) ( ) I have to be concerned, because I don't see Jesus treating people this way when they are needing help.
Spiritual Warfare
Pastor Mark Driscoll
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Note: Both NIV and ESV are used in this lecture.
Spiritual Warfare Trial
Step #1 – Share the gospel and make sure they are a Christian.
Step #2 – Explain the world, flesh, and devil, and how ground is given.
Step #3 – Explain our trial.
• 1 John 4:1–6
• Ephesians 6:10–18
• 1 Peter 5:8
• Explain demonic oppression, occupation, and possession
Step #4 – Explain the counselee’s participation.
• Our authority is in Christ.
• You must tell the entire truth.
• Tell me everything the demon tells you, no matter how odd it may seem.
• Tell me everything you see, no matter how odd it may seem.
• Pride and fear will hinder our progress.
Step #5 – Explain confessing and canceling sin.
Step #6 – Establish the ground rules.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ . . .
I will be using the personal pronoun we because I stand with
___________ united with them as their brother in Jesus Christ and since the
Holy Spirit lives in us we command you in the name and authority of the One
True God who rules as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You are an unwanted
intruder and who is going to have to leave upon command.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we . . .
• establish our authority over Satan and demons delegated to us by the
Lord Jesus Christ
• bind the strong man
• command that you convey your answers to _____________ and they will
convey your answers to me. You will not speak to me because you are on
trial and under the authority delegated to me by the Lord Jesus Christ.
• command that you not change your authority structure, hide, duplicate
your identity, or change your name
• there will be no profanity
• you will answer every question directed at you clearly, concisely,
immediately, completely, and truthfully
• command that you will not have any outside help or reinforcement during
this trial
• command that the answers you give must stand as truth before the White
Throne of the Lord God Almighty
• there will be one-way traffic only from the demon to the pit. You will not in
any way bother anyone else anywhere at any time, especially those in the
room and their families, including but not limited to entering another
• bind you by any name you give, and will name you if needed
• command that you speak only that which can be used against you
• bind you by the ground rules we lay down
• command that there will be no control of the mind, confusion of the mind,
tongue, or body, that they will maintain complete self-control and there
would be no harm done to them in any way
• you will take all of your associates and your collective works and effects
with you
• ask you Holy Spirit to rule over all spirits and force them to cooperate
according to the ground rules and punish any who seek to disobey them
Step #7 – Declarations of truth.
We claim the following declarations of truth before the White Throne of the
Lord God Almighty . . .
• we claim protection from and authority over Satan and all his demons
(Luke 10:18–20)
• we claim our position in Christ and that all things under Christ’s authority
are now under our authority (Eph. 1:18–2:8)
• we claim our victory in the Lord Jesus Christ (Col. 2:13–15)
Step #8 – Determine two or three primary areas to begin.
Step #9 – Confess sins and cancel grounds and command leaving in each area
one at a time.
Take each category and have the person pray to God to confess and
repent of their sins in each category. Then have them cancel any ground given,
command that the named spirit and all of his works and effects and all of his
servants and their works and effects be cast away to the pit for judgment by God.
Then, have them request that the Holy Spirit reclaim all the ground they had
given and rule in that area of their life.
Step #10 – Ask the Spiritual Inventory questions.
Often it is best to begin with addressing ancestral sin and address it first
because it tends to have the deepest root in someone’s life. The counselee can
pray something like, “Lord Jesus, if there are any spirits who have anything to do
with me, body, soul, or spirit because of my ancestral sin, I ask that you please
forgive this sin and cancel any ground they have held against me.”
If there are any demons working in (name) in the area of (issue), we bind all of
you together along with all of your works and effects and command that you
come forward.
We now command that spirit holding highest authority of all those bound and
brought forward in the area of (issue) to step forward alone. We put a hedge of
thorns around you, above you, and below you. You will not be interfered with by
Then address that spirit holding highest authority of the group bound and brought
forward and ask them.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ . . .
1. What is your name?
a. Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God
b. You have responded to the name ______, we bind you by that
name and upon command you will go to the pit bound by that name
with all of your works and effects and all of your associates and
their works and effects as well.
2. When did you come?
a. Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God
3. What work were you commissioned to do?
a. Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God
4. By what means do you hope to destroy them?
a. Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God
5. What habitual lies have you told them?
a. Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God
6. Who sent you?
a. Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God
7. How many associates are working under you?
a. Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God
8. What effects have you had on them?
a. Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God
9. Do you still hold any ground against (name) that would keep you from
leaving him/her upon command?
a. Will that stand as truth before the White Throne of the Lord God
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we command (demon’s name) to leave
(person) with all of your works and effects and all of your associates and their
works and effects and go to the pit immediately. We command this in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Then pray for the Holy Spirit to fill the areas just vacated.
This process can then be repeated through each major area.
Finally, command that the highest-ranking spirit remaining other than the Holy
Spirit (if there is one) step forward and identify themselves to ensure none has
been overlooked. Complete the process of cleansing. Close with a general
prayer to cover anything that may have been overlooked.
Step #11 – Recommended ways to keep the trial moving.
Stop and pray to the Holy Spirit asking Him to intervene as needed and
enforce the ground rules. Stop to read Scripture such as Psalm 18, Psalm 27,
Psalm 31, Psalm 35, Psalm 83, etc.
Step #12 – Follow-up recommendations for the counselee.
• Keep short sin accounts with God.
• Pray offensively.
• Read Scripture.
• Do not obsess over lies and accusations.
• Be in fellowship.
• Schedule another appointment if things arise.
• Exercise the authority Christ has given you.
• Be careful to avoid arrogant pride.
• Keep a journal to record lies and accusations.
• Read the recommended resources.
"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." 1 John 4:4
You're absolutely right. There is not a shred of Scriptural basis for the demon trial protocols at Mars Hill.