Last night I posted the following on my facebook page:
In case it gets deleted, I commented on as follows:
What is happening here has no basis in the Bible Mark purports to teach. This is mind control at its best. Rationally, who reacts with "yeah, but you were only like a year or two old?" when accused of pedophilia?? Rationally, who says "I don't talk about this stuff", and then continues? Rationally, how does anyone concerned with Christian purity go into detail about an illicit sexual encounter? How is this healthy counseling on any level? WHY are people listening to this guy as if he were God?
Today I read through the comments and found quite a lively and often nasty debate going on about whether or not visions as described in this video are the same as prophecy. I think to the average thinker the answer would be clear- this is psychological manipulation of people who already lap up anything Mark says, and though no names are mentioned, it violates confidentiality and focusses the mind on horrible sinfulness, which is despicable.
I have copied and pasted the current comments I made today, and before that I will include three other peoples' comments who said what I believe, just to show it isn't just me who has concerns. It is sad when the church cannot agree to disagree respectfully, but it is even sadder when towing the party line is more important than thinking critically. You don't have to agree with me, but that doesn't make my opinions any more spam than yours.
Other comments included:
The fact that this guy is so successful is an indictment of the church. If those professing believers had seriously spent time in the Word of God, learning the truth, they would be able to recognized a counterfeit immediately.Paul warned Timothy that the time would come when people would follow those preaching what they wanted to hear. Such is the case today...we are surrounded by hirelings and posers who are able to live in the lap of luxury because their brainnumbed followers support them.
ScreeminMeeme 5 months ago
The gift of discernment isn't seeing visions. It's knowing truth from lies, right from wrong, recognizing false teaching, recognizes evil vs good, can see through people and their smoke screens. They can tell if something is from God or not. It has nothing to do with visions and you can't find it in scripture. He has manipulated his congregation with his interpretation of the gift of discernment. He's a false teacher and he's a liar because of it.
blubirdTN in reply to dsnacks2312 (Show the comment) 5 months ago
I'm not an atheist but I know a con artist when I see one. In fact I'm a Christian. Any minister that stands in front of his congregation and reveals counseling sessions in front of the whole congregation is an arrogant & vile man. Why would he share it? Why would he take pride in revealing others sins? He wants his congregation to be in awe of him, wants them to look up to him, wants them to fear him, etc....Sounds like a controlling, egostical, manipulative man, godlike.
blubirdTN in reply to JoshSaintJacque (Show the comment) 5 months ago
And the current debate (before everything gets flagged as spam):
Not spam- freedom of speech: What is happening here has no basis in the Bible. This is instead mind control at its best. Rationally, who reacts with "yeah, but you were only like a year or two old?" when accused of pedophilia?? Who says "I don't talk about this stuff", and then continues? Rationally, how does anyone concerned with Christian purity go into detail about an illicit sexual encounter? How is this healthy counseling on any level? WHY are people listening to a man as if he were God?
Melody Young 1 second ago
I have known MANY believers who have the gift Mark is speaking of. Unfortunately, they are often misunderstood, misrepresented, or just plain hated by clueless people. Many prophetic people have testified that they had to learn to apply wisdom to using this gift, and it doesnt appear Mark has totally learned that, but I am confident he will. If it really was the Holy Spirit working in the story he has told, these lives were touched and a breakthrough happened.
denoinwa 4 months ago
then tell me this: why does he go into detail about a sexual encounter? what person in their right mind is going to admit they sexually abused their grandchild when they are asked that by the grandchild?
Melody Young in reply to denoinwa 2 minutes ago
I meant he thought he was seeing a vision, and couldn't tell that it was actually happening. My point was he is seeing stuff in his head. The person I am writing this too said that God showed people visions all the time. What Mark is seeing isn't visions so you can't base it on biblical facts.
Insanonymous in reply to Insanonymous (Show the comment) 1 week ago
thank you! exactly.
Melody Young in reply to Insanonymous 9 minutes ago
Did you do this to me when I was a child? Oh yeah, I totally own up to that right now, I did it. Really? People need to wake up to reality.
CerebrumPedere 1 week ago
yep. exactly what I said, until someone flagged it as spam. Glad you said it.
Melody Young in reply to CerebrumPedere 11 minutes ago
I knew my comment would be flagged as spam- yet there are others who have commented good stuff in the past about how bizarre and controlling this is. I leave it to them to speak the truth, because others prefer to suppress it when I say it. And yes, I know this may be flagged too. Thanks for supporting my freedom of speech, guys...
Melody Young 19 minutes ago
Actually, I am not offended at all by Mark, and I rather admire him for being real. Anyone with an ounce of understanding can hear his heart in the testimonies he is sharing here, which is to set the captives free. The Holy Spirit obviously was exposing something in a counseling environment, in the context of trust and relationship that was very important for healing and freedom. So no, I have zero tolerance for the likes of religious people so easily offended in their petty religiosity.
denoinwa in reply to glQnn (Show the comment) 7 hours ago
I live in Seattle and understand the people he is reaching. It's a very "hipster" community. There really is no way to describe them, just to experience them. I do not consider him graphic, but merely answering the questions his congregation is asking. People from Arkansas cannot see a work in a land full of people they do not understand and seek to justify it according to their understanding. It didn't work in the Bible, and it certainly will not work today.
glQnn in reply to denoinwa (Show the comment) 9 hours ago
What is happening here has no basis in the Bible Mark purports to teach. This is mind control at its best. Rationally, who reacts with "yeah, but you were only like a year or two old?" when accused of pedophilia?? Rationally, who says "I don't talk about this stuff", and then continues? Rationally, how does anyone concerned with Christian purity go into detail about an illicit sexual encounter? How is this healthy counseling on any level? WHY are people listening to this guy as if he were God?
Melody Young 15 hours ago (flagged as spam)
UPDATE: I have removed some of my comments and flagged some of the comments made to me as spam, since it is evident that some youtube users are on a crusade to stifle opinion and draw people like me into a "he said, she said/I'll pray for you; No, I will pray for YOU" kind of debate. That is a destructive waste of time, so I will not engage. I do pray for the church to be wise about sin and constructively critical about issues and for Mark Driscoll and other leaders- whether we agree or not- as siblings in Christ.
My thought for today is: would you let the person seen in this video counsel you if you were going through an issue with anxiety or depression? How would you and/or your spouse feel about seeking counsel about marital issues such as an affair from the person we see in this video? I would love to hear others' thoughts, even if they disagree with my feelings and opinions on this issue.
Not spam- freedom of speech: What is happening here has no basis in the Bible. This is instead mind control at its best. Rationally, who reacts with "yeah, but you were only like a year or two old?" when accused of pedophilia?? Who says "I don't talk about this stuff", and then continues? Rationally, how does anyone concerned with Christian purity go into detail about an illicit sexual encounter? How is this healthy counseling on any level? WHY are people listening to a man as if he were God?
Melody Young 1 second ago
I have known MANY believers who have the gift Mark is speaking of. Unfortunately, they are often misunderstood, misrepresented, or just plain hated by clueless people. Many prophetic people have testified that they had to learn to apply wisdom to using this gift, and it doesnt appear Mark has totally learned that, but I am confident he will. If it really was the Holy Spirit working in the story he has told, these lives were touched and a breakthrough happened.
denoinwa 4 months ago
then tell me this: why does he go into detail about a sexual encounter? what person in their right mind is going to admit they sexually abused their grandchild when they are asked that by the grandchild?
Melody Young in reply to denoinwa 2 minutes ago
I meant he thought he was seeing a vision, and couldn't tell that it was actually happening. My point was he is seeing stuff in his head. The person I am writing this too said that God showed people visions all the time. What Mark is seeing isn't visions so you can't base it on biblical facts.
Insanonymous in reply to Insanonymous (Show the comment) 1 week ago
thank you! exactly.
Melody Young in reply to Insanonymous 9 minutes ago
Did you do this to me when I was a child? Oh yeah, I totally own up to that right now, I did it. Really? People need to wake up to reality.
CerebrumPedere 1 week ago
yep. exactly what I said, until someone flagged it as spam. Glad you said it.
Melody Young in reply to CerebrumPedere 11 minutes ago
I knew my comment would be flagged as spam- yet there are others who have commented good stuff in the past about how bizarre and controlling this is. I leave it to them to speak the truth, because others prefer to suppress it when I say it. And yes, I know this may be flagged too. Thanks for supporting my freedom of speech, guys...
Melody Young 19 minutes ago
Actually, I am not offended at all by Mark, and I rather admire him for being real. Anyone with an ounce of understanding can hear his heart in the testimonies he is sharing here, which is to set the captives free. The Holy Spirit obviously was exposing something in a counseling environment, in the context of trust and relationship that was very important for healing and freedom. So no, I have zero tolerance for the likes of religious people so easily offended in their petty religiosity.
denoinwa in reply to glQnn (Show the comment) 7 hours ago
I live in Seattle and understand the people he is reaching. It's a very "hipster" community. There really is no way to describe them, just to experience them. I do not consider him graphic, but merely answering the questions his congregation is asking. People from Arkansas cannot see a work in a land full of people they do not understand and seek to justify it according to their understanding. It didn't work in the Bible, and it certainly will not work today.
glQnn in reply to denoinwa (Show the comment) 9 hours ago
What is happening here has no basis in the Bible Mark purports to teach. This is mind control at its best. Rationally, who reacts with "yeah, but you were only like a year or two old?" when accused of pedophilia?? Rationally, who says "I don't talk about this stuff", and then continues? Rationally, how does anyone concerned with Christian purity go into detail about an illicit sexual encounter? How is this healthy counseling on any level? WHY are people listening to this guy as if he were God?
Melody Young 15 hours ago (flagged as spam)
UPDATE: I have removed some of my comments and flagged some of the comments made to me as spam, since it is evident that some youtube users are on a crusade to stifle opinion and draw people like me into a "he said, she said/I'll pray for you; No, I will pray for YOU" kind of debate. That is a destructive waste of time, so I will not engage. I do pray for the church to be wise about sin and constructively critical about issues and for Mark Driscoll and other leaders- whether we agree or not- as siblings in Christ.
My thought for today is: would you let the person seen in this video counsel you if you were going through an issue with anxiety or depression? How would you and/or your spouse feel about seeking counsel about marital issues such as an affair from the person we see in this video? I would love to hear others' thoughts, even if they disagree with my feelings and opinions on this issue.
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