Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pilate's question, or "What is truth?"

It is not popular to claim there is absolute truth.  It is even very dangerous to assume that my truth or your truth is absolute, and try to impose it on others.  This is what leads to cults and mind control, so it is reasonable to be wary of any claim to absolute truth.

The historical Roman ruler Pilate, who famously washed his hands of the murder of the historical figure, Jesus, asked the question, "What is truth?" in response to Jesus' claim that, "anyone on the side of truth listens to me."

I believe there are many different ways of looking at issues, belief-systems, and life in general, and it is unnecessary to insist one way of doing or being is right or wrong.  This is evident as we begin to grasp the scale of the huge dimension of cultures and world-views this international, multi-cultural world has to offer.  One culture prizes one thing, another culture other things, and who's to say which is right or which is wrong?

Some truths do however appear "self-evident" in the common values people-groups share.  The importance of love, for example, is undisputed in most cultures, although there may be exceptions.

What I wish to discuss, in this series of blogs, is the importance of claims to absolute truth, the damage such claims can cause, and the common values humans share that point us to a truth or the truth, which is self-evident when we are willing to take responsibility to listen to it.  I also wish to expose what I believe to be lies that cults or cult-like groups have spread, so feel free to think for yourself about what I share.

My disclaimer here will be that I believe in God, and I rest in the grace he has shown me through Jesus.  If that puts you off, I apologize, but I still welcome healthy debate.

I don't believe we can get to the truth unless we are willing to look at it from all angles.  Part of my learning and growing is enjoying the freedom to discover the truth as I bounce opinions off others who may or may not agree with me.

I hate cults and mind control, but I have come out of situations where I feel people have tried to usurp the truth by planting their own shade of it, in order to control others.

However, I believe the truth truly does set free.

I do not have a monopoly on truth, whatever I trust or believe.  I simply desire to develop what I believe, and seek and find TRUE truth.

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(Quote by The Rep -

"Religion loves to correct what you said, Relationship just wants to know why you said it? One cares for the law; the other cares only for the heart!"

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